Saturday, March 27, 2010

In My Book of Grace: 26 March

What's in your Book Of Grace?
Here's what's in mine:

26 March 2010:
We had a lot of good energy in the audience tonight. Students from Hostos and Stanford and Yale and CalArts and others too. Plus some awesome non-students. We had a great discussion about the show.
-A woman from Hostos understood why Buddy would come home with bombs, "not planning to use them, but, you know, just in case he needed them," she said.
-A student from Stanford noted how the play talked about personal history and how hard it is to free yourself from your past, even if you change your name.
-People got to talking about boundaries. How they're both helpful and not. How they're necessary and can be destructive too. In the play Grace asks: "Where do I begin? Where does 'me' start?" As I was leaving the building, Jose, one of our ushers, shared this thought: "Vet irons creases in his pants and he puts boundaries around himself, plus, he works at the Border Fence. To me, it's like we fail to realize that we are a part of all that exits. And that failure destroys what's outside us and what's inside us too. We've got to realize our connection."
-Mom came back to watch the show again. As we walked home she was quoting lines.

Right on & Pass it on.

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