Friday, April 2, 2010

In My Book of Grace: April 1

What's in your Book of Grace?
Here's what's in mine:

1 April 2010:
- A woman and her friend came to the show tonight. The woman is
studying at Hunter College. She uses a wheelchair. Her friend
brought her to the show in celebration cause she's doing really well
in school. After the show we hung out in the lobby and talked about
the show and took pictures. Then they went home, via the bus. When
they arrived uptown, Amy, our production stage manager, was getting
off the subway and arriving uptown on the same street at the same
time. Amy spotted the ladies; she recognized them from the audience
and they all stood on the street corner talking about the play.
-Students from Odyssey House came to the show tonight. I met them in
the lobby too. The show had them all jazzed up. They're writing a
play together and wondered how long it takes to write a play and if
takes longer to write all the "layers" in it. I told them it took me
awhile to write this play, but, since they're all working together,
it might not take them as long as it took me.
Truly, we depend on each other.

Right on & Pass it on

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